The Women has an all girl cast of Meg Ryan ,Jada Pinket Smith ,Annette Benning ,Debra Messing and Eva Mendes about a woman who finds out from some manicurist at saks that her husband has been unfaithful and later find's out that her best friends already knew .But the whole time your watching this movie your waiting for her to go crazy and chop Mr.hainese's dick off to beyonce's ring the alarm, but instead she listen's to her old fashioned mother and goes on vacation,oh and did I mention that there isn't one sighting of the husband through out the intire movie, you would swear she was married to stanley walker(Will and Grace) .So anyway then she run's into the mistress (Eva Mendes)in La Perla and attempt's to confront her which was a big (FAIL) to be honest if your looking for some cat fight this movie will leave yo ass high and dry.
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